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Connecting to care

Connecting to care
Would you or your family benefit from behavioral health services? If you’re not sure, we can help. We can also help you find a behavioral health provider. Just call us at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711). We’re here for you ${MS_hours}. You’ll get options for a primary provider based on your needs. You can also find a provider online.
Providers need to provide clinically necessary services from the service plan within 21 calendar days after the intake assessment. If this doesn’t happen, call:
- Mercy Care Single Point of Contact at 480-751-8471
- AHCCCS Customer Service line at 602‑364‑4558
Then, you can contact any AHCCCS‑registered providers to make an appointment. These providers don’t need to be part of our network.
Learn more about benefits and coverage. Visit the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS). Or call 602-351-2245.
Questions or concerns about a child's care in the behavioral health system? Just email us or call 480-751-8471.
Your Roadmap to Children's Behavioral Health Care English (PDF)| Español (PDF)
This helpful resource outlines how to:
- Spot mental health concerns in children and youth
- Start the journey to getting the care they need
- Get mental health and substance abuse services
Children and adolescents in foster and adoptive care English (PDF)| Español (PDF)
This is a guide to understanding children’s needs, support and treatment. We designed it to help ensure that children and youth get the behavioral health services they need. Download the guide to find the right support for those in your care.
To find upcoming training, visit our events page. Or email us to ask for training.
Caregiver training
We provide training in trauma-informed care to support DCS-involved children and families. This includes foster and kinship caregivers. Trauma-informed care means changing the focus of care. Instead of asking “What’s wrong with you?” we ask, “What happened to you?” This focus offers a more complete picture. It allows providers to serve members better.
Navigating the behavioral health system for caregivers of children in foster care
This is a 1-hour training on our behavioral health system under AHCCCS. It’s for caregivers of children entering foster care. We'll help you make your way through the system for children in DCS custody. In this training, you’ll:
- Learn how to make decisions that best serve children and youth
- Get resources, support and contact info for more help getting services
Foster Adoptive Kinship Navigation Forum
This training can help you find your way through foster, adoptive and kinship care.
Child and Family Advisory Partnership (CFAP)
Learn about the behavioral health services for children and youth in foster and adoptive care. We’ll talk about:
- Finding the right care
- Breaking down barriers
- Getting support for you and your family
You can find upcoming meetings on our events page. Or check events at the Family Involvement Center.
Foster Adopt Kinship Member Advisory Council
The council provides guidance and help to families and group homes about behavioral health services that we cover. Would you like to join or learn more? Just email us.
After children enter the Department of Child Safety (DCS) system
An Integrated Rapid Response behavioral health service provider meets with the child to enroll them in behavioral health services. This assessment takes place within 72 hours of the DCS specialist submitting the referral. At that time, the provider also:
- Assesses any immediate behavioral and physical health needs
- Connects them to services through a behavioral health home and primary care physician (PCP) if needed
Did you get an intake appointment during the Integrated Rapid Response assessment? If not, the behavioral health home will make one within 7 days. You can call your behavioral health home:
- With any questions
- If you don't have an appointment within this time frame
24/7 foster care hotline
This line is for caregivers of children and youth in the child welfare system in Maricopa County.
Call 602-633-0763 to schedule an assessment if both of these apply:
- It’s been more than 72 hours since the child came into your care.
- The Integrated Rapid Response assessment hasn't been done.
You can also call this line for short-term, in-home support. We train each team to work with youth in foster care. They use evidence-based practices to help children and families. These practices join together:
- The best research
- Medical expertise
- Values that people have
They can help:
- Manage and decrease the intensity, frequency and duration of behaviors
- Teach the right skills to caregivers and children
- Become part of the treatment team
- Respond to crisis calls
At this appointment, the behavioral health home gathers info from:
- You
- The child or youth
- Their DCS specialist
- Family members
- Other people who know the child
You’ll want to bring any info you may have about the:
- Child’s family
- Educational, behavioral and medical history
- Medical or behavioral service provider
- List of current medicines
This info helps the team quickly:
- Meet the child’s needs
- Coordinate care
- Make an Individual Service Plan (ISP)
The child’s first appointment with their treatment provider happens within 21 days of the intake appointment. At this first appointment, you may help find providers and others who can join you and the child on the Child and Family Team (CFT). The CFT focuses on a clear vision and set of principles. These let everyone have a voice and choice in what services and supports best meet the needs of the:
- Child
- Family
- Caregivers
Providers need to complete clinically necessary services from the service plan within 21 calendar days after the intake assessment. If this doesn’t happen, call:
- Mercy Care Single Point of Contact at 480-751-8471
- AHCCCS Customer Service line at 602-364-4558
Then, you can contact any AHCCCS‑registered providers to make an appointment. These providers don’t need to be part of our network.
Providers should NOT place a child on a waiting list for services. Did a provider tell you there’s a waiting list? If yes:
- Ask them to refer you to another provider
- Call us at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711) ${MS_hours}
- Email us
Children have many service options based on their clinical needs. These include:
- DCS stabilization (support services for youth in DCS care)
- Case management
- Direct support services (including rehabilitation services)
- Psychiatric (mental health) services
- Individual and family therapy
- Specialty treatment services (examples: eating disorders, substance use)
- Respite care (short-term relief or break for caregivers)
They may also be able to get these services after adoption from foster care.
You can also find a list of services in your member handbook. Not sure if we cover a service? You can:
Leaving their home and entering foster care can be traumatic for children and youth. Many are in foster care because they’ve had serious abuse or neglect. Research says that children in foster care may often have a range of problems:
These problems and behaviors can appear suddenly or happen over time. Is a child in your care showing these problems? If yes, they may need behavioral health support. You’ll want to report any of these problems to your behavioral health provider and Department of Child Safety (DCS) specialist.
Although rewarding, caring for these children can be a challenge. Take care of yourself. Do things just for you, like:
Taking personal time
Talking with trusted friends
Doing relaxing or fun activities
You can also get support from us, like:
Community-based services, including respite care
Case management
Family support
Behavioral health providers are often aware of services and supports for you and the child. You can also check the community resource guide. Or ask your foster licensing specialist for ideas.
Children with symptoms of traumatic stress may have problems managing their behaviors and emotions. They may feel that the world is uncertain and unstable. They may also be:
Clingy and fearful of new situations
Easily frightened
Hard to console
Socially isolated
Some children may have:
Trouble sleeping
A lapse in their progress with function and behavior
Trouble forming healthy attachments
Problems with boundaries
Distrust in their relationships
Problems relating to and empathizing with others
You can help when you know how to recognize and understand how to respond to these common problems:
Poor verbal skills
Poor appetite, low weight or digestive problems
Stomachaches and headaches
Poor sleep habits
Nightmares or sleep difficulties
Regressive behaviors, like wetting the bed or self after successful toilet training
Behavior common for a younger age
Memory problems
Focusing problems or school learning
Learning disabilities
Bad temper
Attention-demanding behavior (positive and negative)
Imitation of abusive or traumatic event
Verbally abusive behavior
A lot of screaming or crying
Inability to trust others or make friends
Fear of adults who remind them of the trauma
Fear of separation from parent/caregiver
Anxious, fearful and avoidant behavior
Withdrawn behavior
Lack of self-confidence
Belief that they are to blame for the trauma
Some behaviors for older children and youth include:
Risky behaviors
Sense of isolation and not belonging
Negative self-esteem related to feelings they don’t understand
Intrusive thoughts of self-harm
Substance use
With the right support and care, most children show resilience and determination. They can and do get better with treatment.
The values and goals in the Arizona Vision and 12 Principles are at the core of our children’s system of care.
Mercy Care events
Check our events in Arizona. See what’s coming up or check resources from past events.
Community resources
Here are some helpful resources for families with children and youth in foster and adoptive care.