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Navigating the behavioral health system
This is a 1-hour training for caregivers of children in foster care. We'll help you make your way through the system. You can:
- Learn how to make decisions that best serve children and youth
- Get resources, support and contact info for more help with services
Therapeutic foster care (TFC)

Therapeutic foster care (TFC)
TFC trains foster parents to serve as a bridge between therapy and a home environment. Caregivers:
- Attend 60 hours of training over 4 to 6 months
- Complete the required TFC curriculum through the Department of Child Safety (DCS)
Learn more about therapeutic foster care on the DCS website.
Your training topics
Do you have questions about specific caregiver topics? Email us. Let us know which topics you’d like to learn more about. And check this page often for new training. The more you know, the more you can help children in your care.