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Rethinking labels

Rethinking labels
In the past, experts believed that the spectrum showed a range of function from low to high. But it’s hard to define what “function” means. For example, a “high-functioning” person with ASD might still struggle with daily tasks, like brushing their teeth or taking the bus. It turns out that function labels may not be accurate, doing more harm than good.
Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms
Different symptoms affect people in different ways. So the symptoms vary for each person. With ASD, the brain works differently. And because of that, people may respond to things differently. ASD can affect a person’s:
- Social skills
- Communication
- Behavior
Someone with autism may prefer their own routines, or even to be alone. They may speak using pictures and sign language. Or repeat words, actions and certain movements (such as flapping). Strong reactions to sounds or noises may also be common.
People with autism may not be able to speak or express what they want to say. Making eye contact or showing feelings like happiness may be a challenge as well.
They may have these unique traits:
- Act like most children or adults their own age
- Like touching or hugging people
- Know when someone is angry or in pain
- Answer when you call their name
Remember, not everyone will have the same traits. Our goal is look at each member as a unique person and help improve their whole health. Children and adults with ASD can get help with their special health care needs. This can improve their overall health and wellness.

More about ASD
If you or your loved one has signs or symptoms of autism, check this list of providers for the diagnosis of ASD (PDF). You don’t need a referral. Make an appointment to talk about your concerns. They can give a diagnosis.
Need help finding a provider? Call us at 602-212-4983 or 1-833-711-0776 (TTY 711). We’ll help you find a provider based on:
Your needs
Your location
Once you call them, the provider has 7 days to schedule an intake appointment. If you don’t get an appointment within 7 days, call us.
Once you have a diagnosis, you can learn about “Treatment for ASD” in the next section on this page.
You can choose a behavioral health home. This is where you get outpatient mental health services. Some health homes also offer physical health care. The clinical team will work with you on your goals. They’ll also provide ongoing assessment and service planning.
Initial intake appointment and assessment
At this appointment, the provider may ask for some info from:
The parent or caregiver
The child
Other family members
Others who know the member
Bring any info you have about the member’s:
Medical history
School history
All these things will help the team. It’ll make it easier for them to quickly provide the right care.
Many times, the assessment from your first appointment won’t be complete. You’ll be working with your team to continue the assessment process. This allows you and your team to review progress and needs so you get the best care.
After the initial intake and assessment, the behavioral health home will assign a case manager who will facilitate a Child and Family Team (CFT) or Adult Recovery Team (ART) meeting. Other team members will depend on the behavioral health professionals working with you. Teams can also include:
Family members
Other supportive people from the community, such as a coach or teacher
Division of Developmental Disability (DDD) support coordinator
There are many services for children, youth, and adults with ASD. These are based on individual needs. Having a CFT/ART is a way to make sure everyone has a voice and choice in the services and supports. A treatment plan, or Individual Service Plan (ISP), will be developed by the CFT/ART and should include all the services you need to feel successful. These may include:
Housing (if applicable)
Rides (transportation)
High-needs case management (if applicable)
Direct support services (including rehabilitation services)
Psychiatric services
Individual and family therapy
Specialty treatment
Respite care
Family support
These services and supports should take place within:
21 days, for children
23 days, for adults
A provider shouldn’t add you to a waiting list for services. If they say there’s a waiting list, ask them to refer you to another provider. You can also check this list of providers for the treatment of ASD (PDF).
Need help finding a provider? Call us at 602-212-4983 or 1-833-711-0776 (TTY 711). We’ll help you find a provider based on:
Your needs
Your location
Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) is one type of treatment for ASD. Visit our ABA page to find ABA providers.
ASD affects thousands of people in our area. People with ASD now have more options for care.
ASD Centers of Excellence treat the whole person. They focus on the physical and behavioral health of children and adults with autism. They also help those who are at risk of ASD by providing early intervention and treatment.
We’ve picked four providers to serve as ASD Centers of Excellence:
- Arizona Autism United (AZA United)
- Children's Clinics of Tucson
- Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
- Touchstone Health Services
The centers align with these principles:
- Arizona Vision and 12 Principles
- Guiding Principles for Recovery-Oriented Adult Behavioral Health Services and Systems English (PDF) | Español (PDF)
- Patient Centered Medical Home principles
- Best practices for ASD (American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Our goal is to help improve whole health for our members. The centers act as a whole-health provider, covering both physical and behavioral health.
You can also check AHCCCS resources for members with ASD.
Or visit our community resource guide for more helpful info and links to services for ASD.
Call Member Services at 602-212-4983 or 1-833-711-0776 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Call Member Services at 602-212-4983 or 1-833-711-0776 (TTY 711). We’re here for you 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.