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Call 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465
(TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465
(TTY 711). We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Your path to care
Be as healthy as you can be. A wide range of benefits and services can help. You have a network of providers to get you the right care when you need it. We’ll help you understand your coverage. And make sure you get the most from your benefits.
Member portal
Register for your Mercy Care ACC-RBHA with SMI web portal. See your member ID card or ask for a new one. Update your contact info, find providers and more. Download the Mercy Care mobile app for iPhone® or Android™ to manage your health on the go.
Materials and forms
Check your member handbook for info on the services we cover and numbers to call for help. You can also get these materials and forms in the language or format you need.
Find a provider or pharmacy
Find in-network providers — doctors, dentists and pharmacies near you. You can also find options for behavioral health, telehealth, urgent care at home and providers who speak your language. Or find Mercy Care Center of Excellence providers.
Medicines we cover
Get the medicine you need to stay as healthy as you can be. Learn about your pharmacy benefits. You’ll find a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.
Helpful info
Don't lose your benefits
Already a member? Be sure your contact info is up to date. Then you’ll receive notice when it’s time to renew your coverage. Need to update your address, phone number or email? Call 1-855-432-7587. Or log in to your online AHCCCS account to make your updates.
Nurse Line
Call 602-586-1841 or 1-800-564-5465 (TTY 711). Choose the option to “speak with a nurse” for general health advice. Our Nurse Line is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Community resources
Check this community resource guide to help you and your family stay healthy at every stage of life. Find resources for parents and children, help for disabilities or support for veterans and tribal communities.