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Integrated care

Integrated care
Integrated care provides care for the mind and body. We’ve made it easier to get care for both. Sometimes that means going to one place for all types of care. Or having someone coordinate care between behavioral and physical health providers. We have different ways to connect care so it’s easy and makes sense for you.
Providers that offer integrated care focus on the whole person. A team of health care providers empowers people to improve their health and well-being.
Did you know? Getting preventive health care may help people live longer. This kind of care can help find and treat conditions like:
Heart disease
Infectious diseases
With integrated care, a person’s providers all work together closely. So they may catch these conditions earlier, when they’re easier to treat.
Integrated health homes (IHHs)
Integrated health homes (IHHs)
Fully integrated care means that a person goes to one place for their:
Physical health
Behavioral health
Health promotion
Wellness services
This one-stop shop is an IHH. It’s where people can see both a primary care provider and behavioral health provider. Integrated care works because it:
Provides one place to get care
Decreases the number of times people have to tell their story
Provides easier communication among providers since they’re all in one place
The IHH team works with people to find out what their needs are and make a plan to improve their health and wellness. People who enroll in an IHH commit to seeing the primary care and behavioral health teams. You have a choice and can dis-enroll from an IHH (stop going) anytime.
At an IHH, you’ll work with a whole health care team. Some team members include:
Case managers
Peer support specialists
Rehabilitation specialists
Some IHHs have other types of providers too, like:
Recreational therapists

In addition to the other services on this page, you can get services through your IHH. This includes primary care (physical health) and behavioral health services.
Primary care services
At an IHH, people can get these primary care services:
Medical and annual physician exams
Medications (injections)
Basic lab tests
Other basic primary care services
An IHH can also coordinate care for people in need of specialty health care services, like home health or dialysis.
People should have comprehensive care on one electronic health record. Primary care and behavioral health teams provide comprehensive, whole-person services.
Behavioral health services
People can also get these behavioral health services:
Visits with a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner and counselor
Case management
Steps to join an IHH
Check the list of IHH providers that follows
Call the IHH that you choose and ask them for info
Speak with your case manager
Community Partners Integrated Healthcare
1515 E. Osborn Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Community Bridges Inc.
Mesa Heritage
460 N. Mesa Dr., Ste. 201
Mesa, AZ 85201
Copa Health
5625 W. Bell Rd.
Glendale, AZ 85308
East Valley
4330 E. University Dr.
Mesa, AZ 85205
5222 E. Baseline Rd., Ste. 101
Gilbert, AZ 85234
10240 N. 31st Ave., #200
Phoenix, AZ 85051
West Valley
14100 N. 83rd Ave., Ste. 100
Peoria, AZ 85381
Horizon Health and Wellness
625 N Plaza Dr.
Apache Junction, AZ 85120
Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS)
East Valley Health Center
880 N. Colorado St.
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Michael R. Zent Healthcare
3001 N. 33rd Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85017
La Frontera-Empact
1035 E. Jefferson, #A
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Lifewell Behavioral Wellness
Desert Cove
10844 N. 23rd Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85029
4451 E. Oak
Phoenix, AZ 85008
South Mountain
3540 E. Baseline Rd., Ste. 150
Phoenix, AZ 85042
2715 N. 3rd St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Resilient Health
1st Street
1415 N. 1st St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
3271 E. Queen Creek Rd., Ste. 101 (Bldg. 2)
Gilbert, AZ 85297
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
Buckeye Outpatient
26428 W. US Highway 85
Buckeye, Arizona, 85326
Southwest Network
Northern Star
2311 W. Royal Palm Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85021
3227 E. Bell Rd., Ste. 170
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Terros Health
51st Avenue
4616 N. 51st Ave., Ste. 108
Phoenix, AZ 85031
1642 S. Priest Dr., #101
Tempe, AZ 85281
Valle Del Sol
Red Mountain
1209 S. 1st Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85003

You can get care and services for behavioral health. This includes general mental health and substance use disorders (SUDs).
Outpatient providers complete a full assessment. They work with you and your family to decide what services you need:
Assertive community treatment (ACT)
Care coordination
Peer support
Permanent supported housing (PSH)
Psychiatric services and medication management
Residential behavioral health services
Residential treatment for SUDs
Respite care for caregivers of children and youth
Supported employment
Treatment for opioid use disorders and SUDs
Read on to learn about the SMI designation, as well as each type of service. You can also get more details in your member handbook.
To get SMI services, you must have a:
Qualifying SMI diagnosis
Functional impairment as result of the diagnosis
SMI services start at age 18. You must be at least 17½ years old to have an SMI evaluation. If you need this first step:
Call us at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711).
Visit Solari Crisis & Human Services (formerly known as Crisis Response Network). Solari makes a determination of SMI with a referral or request.
Once the evaluation and determination are complete, you’ll receive an SMI designation (PDF) if you fit the criteria.
The ACT approach focuses on person-centered recovery for people who have a diagnosis of severe and persistent mental illness. It offers:
Support services
Your health home will refer you to an ACT team near you. You can learn more about:
Care coordination
We’ll help coordinate care between your health coverage and your providers. This means we’ll work with your providers to organize and share info with those involved in your care. This makes it easier to be sure you get safe and effective care.
Peer support
Each integrated health home (IHH) has a trained peer mentor. They help educate and guide people through the behavioral health care system.
Permanent supported housing (PSH)
Adults can get housing and housing services when they:
Have an SMI designation
Meet other eligibility requirements
Our provider network also includes PSH services, including:
Help with daily activities
Solving problems with landlords
You can learn more about PSH on our more benefits page.
Psychiatric services and medication management
You and your behavioral health provider decide if you need psychiatric (mental health) services or medicine. Ask the outpatient behavioral health provider if they help manage medicine.
Residential behavioral health services
Services can include residential settings for behavioral health conditions. These structured settings provide counseling and teach independent living skills. Members get residential treatment and supervision 24 hours a day for up to 180 days. Some facilities are for men or women only.
Children and youth
Residential behavioral health settings include:
Behavioral Health Inpatient Facilities (BHIF)
Behavioral Health Residential Facilities (BHRF)
Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC)
Residential treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs)
Services can include residential settings for SUDs. These structured settings provide counseling and supervision to maintain sobriety and work on relapse prevention skills. Members get residential treatment and supervision 24 hours a day and usually lasts 30 days.
Respite care
Respite care is for caregivers of children and youth. It means taking time for yourself. The hours are based on your need. It may be on a short-term basis, like a few hours during the day. Or longer periods with overnight stays.
The maximum number of total hours is 600 each benefit year (October 1 to September 30).
Supported employment
People who’d like to work can get help with supported employment (SE) services at the IHH and in the community. These services connect people with the job that meets their:
SE services focus on helping people get and keep jobs. Unsure about working or wondering how it affects benefits? Connect with a rehabilitation specialist (RS). With an RS, people can:
Talk about their interests
Connect with services to build social skills
Connect with the community
Treatment for opioid use disorders and SUDs
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is for opioid use disorders and SUDs. Providers use it along with counseling or behavioral therapies. You can get MAT from your opioid treatment provider. They can coordinate care with your other providers.
Personal medicine is a powerful healing practice that helps people connect with the healer inside themselves. It’s just as key to recovery as any medication. Personal medicine is what we do, not a pill or other medicine we take.
Anyone can claim their own personal medicine — it’s here for all of us. A certified personal medicine coach (CPMC) can help you on your path to personal medicine. We cover this service for Mercy Care ACC-RBHA members with an SMI designation (PDF).
You can get this coaching from your behavioral health home. Ask for an appointment with a CPMC. You can have a personal medicine goal in your plan.
Learn more about personal medicine:
Personal medicine – English (PDF)
More about behavioral health
Read on to learn more about behavioral health. You can also check your member handbook to find info about any behavioral health topic.
BHRF care and services:
Are based on a per diem rate (24-hour day)
Need prior and continued authorization
Don’t include room and board
Aren’t locked facilities
BHRF is a 24-hour per day treatment.
This level of care is for members who need supervision at all times. BHRF assists with basic independent living skills, like:
Doing laundry
AHCCCS AMPM 320V (PDF) is the name of the clinical criteria providers use to see if people may benefit from this level of care.
We process all BHRF applications as expedited requests. We also follow ACOM Policy 414 for expedited request time frames and requirements.
Upon intake to and discharge from the BHRF, our outpatient and BHRF providers send notice to the:
Primary care physician (PCP)
Behavioral health provider
Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority (TRBHA)
We have adopted the medical necessity criteria of AHCCCS, which includes:
Minimum elements defined in AMPM 320-V for admission
Expected treatment outcomes
Exclusionary criteria
Continued stay criteria
Admission, Assessment and Treatment Plan Expectations
BHRF Providers rendering services shall follow the below outlined admission, assessment, and treatment planning requirements.
- Except as provided in subsection R9-10-707(A)(9), a behavioral health assessment for a member is completed before treatment is initiated and within 48 hours of admission.
- The CFT/ART/ is included in the development of the Treatment Plan within 48 hours of admission for members enrolled with Mercy Care.
- BHRF documentation shall reflect:
- All treatment services provided to the member,
- Each activity shall be documented in a separate, individualized medical record, including the date, time, and professional conducting treatment activity,
- Which treatment plan goals are being achieved,
- Progress towards desired treatment goal, and
- Frequency, length and type of each treatment service or session.
- All BHRFs shall coordinate care with the outpatient treatment team throughout the admission, assessment, treatment, and discharge process.
- The Treatment Plan connects back to the member’s comprehensive Service Plan for members enrolled with Mercy Care.
- A comprehensive discharge plan is created during the development of the initial Treatment Plan and is reviewed and/or updated at each review thereafter. The discharge plan documents the following:
- Clinical status for discharge,
- Member/guardian/designated representative and, CFT/ART , ALTCS understands follow-up treatment, crisis and safety plan, and
- Coordination of care and transition planning are in process (e.g. reconciliation of medications, applications for lower level of care submitted, follow-up appointments made, identification of wrap around supports and potential providers).
- The BHRF staff and the CFT/ART meet to review and modify the Treatment Plan at least once a month.
- A Treatment Plan may be completed by a BHP, or by a BHT with oversight and signature by a BHP within 24 hours.
- The provider has a system to document and report on timeliness of BHP signature/review when the Treatment Plan is completed by a BHT.
- The provider has a process to actively engage family/health care decision maker/designated representative in the treatment planning process as appropriate.
- The provider’s clinical practices, as applicable to services offered and population served, shall demonstrate adherence to best practices for treating specialized service needs, including but not limited to:
- Cognitive/intellectual disability,
- Cognitive disability with comorbid Behavioral Health Condition(s),
- Older adults, and Co-Occurring disorders (substance use and Behavioral Health Condition(s), or
- Comorbid physical and Behavioral Health Condition(s).
- Services deemed medically necessary through the assessment and/or CFT/ART/ALTCS which are not offered at the BHRF, shall be documented in the Service Plan and documentation includes a description of the need, identified goals and identified provider who will be meeting the need. The following services shall be made available and provided by the BHRF and cannot be billed separately unless otherwise noted below:
- Counseling and Therapy (group or individual): Behavioral Health Counseling and Therapy may not be billed on the same day as BHRF services unless specialized behavioral health counseling and therapy have been identified in the Service Plan as a specific member need that cannot otherwise be met as required within the BHRF setting,
- Skills Training and Development:
- Independent Living Skills (e.g. self-care, household management, budgeting, avoidance of exploitation/safety education and awareness),
- Community Reintegration Skill building (e.g. use of public transportation system, understanding community resources and how to use them), and
- Social Communication Skills (e.g. conflict and anger management, same/opposite-sex friendships, development of social support networks, recreation).
- Behavioral Health Prevention/Promotion Education and Medication Training and Support Services including but not limited to:
- Symptom management (e.g. including identification of early warning signs and crisis planning/use of crisis plan),
- Health and wellness education (e.g. benefit of routine medical check-ups, preventive care, communication with the PCP and other health practitioners),
- Medication education and self-administration skills,
- Relapse prevention,
- Psychoeducation Services and Ongoing Support to Maintain Employment Work/Vocational skills, educational needs assessment and skill building,
- Treatment for Substance Use Disorder (e.g. substance use counseling, groups), and
- Personal Care Services (see additional licensing requirements in A.A.C. R9-10- 702, R9-10-715, R9-10-814).
BHRF and Medication Assisted Treatment
Mercy Care expects BHRF Providers to establish policies and procedures to ensure members on MAT are not excluded from admission and are able to receive MAT to ensure compliance with Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act SB 1001, Laws 2018. First Special Session.
TFC care and services:
- Are based on a per diem rate (24-hour day)
- Need prior and continued authorization
- Don’t include room and board
- Aren’t locked facilities
TFC is a 24-hour per day treatment.
This level of care is a family-based setting for children with complex behavioral and emotional needs who can be served in the community with intensive support. This service is designed to maximize the member's ability to live in a family setting, participate in the community and to function independently.
AHCCCS AMPM 320W (PDF) is the name of the clinical criteria providers use to see if people may benefit from this level of care.
We process all standard TFC applications within 14 days. We also follow ACOM Policy 414 for expedited request time frames and requirements.
Upon intake to and discharge from the TFC, our outpatient and TFC providers send notice to the:
- Primary care physician (PCP)
- Behavioral health provider agency
- Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority (TRBHA) – as applicable
Criteria for admission, continued stay and discharge readiness
We have adopted the medical necessity criteria of AHCCCS AMPM 320-W, which includes:
- Criteria for admission
- Criteria for continued stay
- Criteria for discharge
Medical Necessity Criteria
- Criteria for admission
a. The Contractor shall develop admission criteria for medical necessity, which at a minimum includes: The recommended level of care determined using CALOCUS/ECSII, optional resource for FFS programs, shall be used to demonstrate sufficient necessity for admission to the indicated level of care without requiring additional PA for a period of no less than 30 days
b. The recommendation for TFC shall come through the CFT practice specified in AMPM Policy 580,
i. An interim service plan coordinated through Integrated Rapid Response can be used to establish this recommendation for admission, prior to the establishment of a full CFT.
c. An assessment, as outlined in AMPM Policy 320-O and AAC Title 9, Chapter 10, which indicates the member has been diagnosed with a behavioral health condition and indicates symptoms and behaviors to be treated, and
d. Special consideration will be given to children with two or more of following:
i. Multiple out-of-home placements (foster homes, Behavioral Health Residential Facility (BHRF), Behavioral Health Inpatient Facility (BHIF), Residential Treatment Center (RTC), etc.),
ii. History of disruption from a foster home due to behaviors,
iii. One or more hospitalizations due to a behavioral health condition in the last year,
iv. Chronic pattern of suspensions from school, daycare, or day programming,
v. Adoption disruption or potential adoption disruption,
vi. Significant trauma history or trauma-related diagnosis
vii. Placed or at-risk of placement in a congregate care setting,
viii. At-risk of placement disruption due to behaviors requiring a higher level of supervision,
ix. Identified as a potential victim of trafficking,
x. Criminal justice involvement,
xi. Co-occurring developmental disability, and
xii. At-risk of being removed from their home by Department of Child Safety (DCS) due to behavioral concerns.
e. As a result of the diagnosed behavioral health condition, there is evidence that the member has a moderate functional impairment as indicated by the CALOCUS/ECSII score and/or other clinical indicators. This moderate functional and/or psychosocial impairment per the behavioral health assessment and ISP, reviewed and signed by a BHP:
i. Has not improved or cannot be reasonably expected to improve in response to a less intensive level of care, or
ii. Could improve with appropriate community-based treatment but treatment is not available, therefore warranting a more intensive level of care.
f. Does not require or meet clinical criteria for a higher level of care.
- Criteria for continued stay
a. The Contractor shall develop medically necessary criteria for continued stay which, at a minimum, includes:
b. An assessment which indicates the member has been diagnosed with a behavioral health condition and indicates symptoms and behaviors to be treated,
c. An expectation by the CFT that continued treatment at the TFC shall improve the member’s condition so that this type of service shall no longer be needed, and
d. The member continues to demonstrate moderate functional or psychosocial impairment as a result of a behavioral health condition.
- Criteria for discharge
a. The Contractor shall develop medical necessity criteria for discharge from TFC which, at a minimum, includes: The member demonstrates sufficient symptom or behavior relief as evidenced by completion of the TFC treatment goals,
b. The member’s functional capacity is improved, at minimum, as evidence by an improved CALOCUS/ECSII score and/or other clinical indicators of improved functioning,
c. The member can be safely cared for in a less restrictive level of care, as identified by the CFT,
d. The CFT has identified that appropriate services, providers, and support are available to meet the member’s current behavioral health needs at a less restrictive level of care,
e. There is no evidence to indicate that continued treatment in TFC would improve the member’s clinical outcome,
f. There is potential risk that continued stay in TFC may precipitate regression or decompensation of the member’s condition, or
g. A current assessment of the member’s symptoms, behaviors, and treatment needs by the CFT has established that continued care in TFC is no longer adequate to provide for the member’s safety and treatment and therefore a higher level of care is necessary.
There are laws about who can see your behavioral health info with or without permission. People need permission to share info about:
Substance use treatment
Communicable diseases (for example, HIV/AIDS)
People may not always need permission to share your behavioral health info. One example is sharing info to help arrange and pay for your care. At times, people may share your info with:
Physicians and other agencies that health, social, or welfare services
Your medical and behavioral health providers
Certain state agencies that take part in your care and treatment
The clinical team who takes part in your care
The court-ordered treatment team
At other times, it may be helpful to share your behavioral health info with agencies, like schools. People may need written permission before they share your info.
Did the Department of Child Safety (DCS) place a child in your care? You may be a foster parent, staff in a group home, other person or agency. You can consent to a child’s evaluation and treatment for:
Routine medical treatment
Routine dental treatment
Behavioral health services
Here are some examples of behavioral health services. Out-of-home caregivers can consent to these services for children:
Assessment and service planning
Counseling and therapy
Rehabilitation services
Medical services
Psychiatric evaluation
Most medicines for behavioral health treatment
Lab services
Support services
Case management
Family support
Respite care
Crisis services
Find out-of-state facilities contracted to meet the unique needs of members.
Mental health parity is coverage for mental health and substance use disorder conditions that’s equal to coverage for physical health conditions in insurance plans.
Non-quantitative treatment limitations
Parity applies to the ways health plans manage treatment. That includes practices such as:
- Approving care before it’s provided, or
- Reviewing a provider’s qualifications before they join our network
These are called non-quantitative treatment limitations (NQTLs). That’s because they may affect the scope or duration of benefits for treatment. And they aren’t stated as a number, unlike a visit or dollar maximum.
Non-quantitative treatment analysis
This analysis explains how our clinical management and network development policies, procedures, and practices comply with the NQTL requirements of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA).
Need language help?
You can get an interpreter at no cost. Or get info in another language or format. Visit our page on language help. You can also call us at ${MS_phone_1} or ${MS_phone_2} (TTY 711).
No health coverage?
If you don’t have health coverage, you may still get treatment with the substance abuse block grant (SABG). This is for people who don’t qualify for AHCCCS (Non-Title 19).
In crisis?
Get help right away from the Arizona behavioral health crisis line:
Call 1-844-534-HOPE
(1-844-534-4673)Text HOPE to 4HOPE (44673)
Or visit our crisis services page to learn more.